The Camp Dogwood STEP program was created to facilitate participants’ transition from campers to becoming leaders at camp and beyond. As this transition takes place, it is important to provide an environment that allows adult camp leaders to support the growth and development of the adolescent participants in the program.
2025 Session Dates
Session 1: June 19 - July 2
Session 2: July 6 - 19

In addition to training participants to become skilled and capable counselors at Camp Dogwood, the STEP program also aims to help its participants develop competencies, knowledge, and skills applicable to face the challenges of any of their post-secondary pursuits whether it’s technical or traditional education field of study or jumpstarting a career in any industry.
The STEP Program is composed of three (3) levels of skill-building and training:
- The BASIC level is about personal leadership, developmental stages of youth, and group management.
- The STEP ADVANCED level focuses more on activity planning, management, and execution.
- Qualified STEP ADVANCED participants are recommended for promotion to the JUNIOR COUNSELOR level which consists of on-the-job training as a future counselor of Camp Dogwood and the presentation of the final capstone project.
Some of these sessions may focus on the following topics:
- Camp Dogwood’s Goals, Purpose, and Values
- Leadership Development
- Facilitation and Presentation Skills
- Risk Management Skills
- Activity and Group Management Skills
- Behavior Management
- Outdoor Learning and Environmental Education
- Camper Observation and Evaluation Skills
- Communication, Feedback, and Conflict Resolution Skills
- Activity Goal-Setting, Planning and Implementation Skills
The STEP participants’ daily responsibilities will include the following:
- Assisting counselors and staff in lessons and traditional camp activities
- Assisting in nightly cleaning rotations with summer staff
- Participate in daily 3 – 4 hour class sessions with Director of Leadership
- Complete daily Leadership Logs in morning and night
- They may also do an overnight camping trip at the ROP Camp Site to enhance their outdoor learning and environmental education skills.